Thursday, July 24, 2014

Trail Creek and a Snake

The morning started off slowly as usual.  The plan for us today was to play golf at Trail Creek with Leslie and Jack.  For me, the rest of the time was going to be just filler time until it's time to golf.

I spent a decent amount of the morning adding photos to my blog as well as working.  It's great that we bought me another camera cable so that I can see my pictures.

At around 11:30, we all gathered at the Konditerei to say goodbye to Michael, who had to go back to work.  So, we met in the village, took some more pictures and hung out there.

One thing that Connor does that I just love is to make pig sounds on command.  Below is a picture of him in his piggie action.  Debbie is not very appreciative of Rick and I giving him bad habits like these.  Another thing that he started to do today was say "nein" for no, which is German.  Hilarious, that kid.  Here are some pictures of the goofball.

Finally it was golfing time and we headed out.  We made sure that we had time on the range to warm up and to see what game I was bringing today.  I rode with Leslie and Jack rode with Rick.  Trail Creek was a very  fun course.  Mostly flat so that was very good for Leslie and I.  Leslie does not golf at all but she did great!  It just shows that coordination and a little course management is really all you need.  Me, I played my usual game, not great not horrible.  That said, I did par 2 holes, and one of them a par 5 so that was pretty good.  The greens rolled pretty true and not with a lot of break so I actually did decently on the putting side today.  All in all, it was a lot of fun just to get out there and play.  Jack also had not played in years and did not do too bad for someone who has not played.  All in all, we played nine holes in 2.5 hours.  That is within regulation.

Now comes the story of the snake.  I hit my ball into a creek.  Rick went to get it, as he often does when my ball goes astray.  On the way down, he saw a snake.  At that point, ball retrieval effort was over.  I told him that I can't believe that he didn't get my ball for me just because of a little snake.  His response was that he could buy me new balls but he was not going near the snake.  Yeah, he does not like reptiles... any kind of reptiles.

Back at the apartment, everyone was gathered and it was time for dinner.  The kids and Sandy, Jay and Leslie played UNO.  Very competitive, that bunch.  Dinner was pizza and Caesar salad, with watermelon for dessert.  I also had a rootbeer with my meal.  How many of my favorite foods can be in one meal?  Heaven!

Post dinner was back to work time.  Deb had a conference call and I had quarter end expenses to manage.  You can just never really leave work these days... That is unfortunate.  That said, I am sure a lot of it is me too.  But when you choose to go on vacation during the busiest time of your job, there has to be some give... I'm giving, I'm giving!

Thus the end of another day.  Interestingly, we have no plans tomorrow.  I wonder what we will end up doing?

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